Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Being ill and (mostly) house-bound for the last two months has given me (WAY too much) time to reflect.
So I've decided to devote my space on facebook/blog to GOOD PEOPLE which I have encountered during this very trying time.
The first Good Person I want explore is a man named Walter Willis.
During the best of times, I am a trial for the will. My emotions are passionate, fierce and
unrelenting. Yet, my beloved Walt perseveres. I don't know how, and I confess I'm vexxed sometimes as to why.
When my father passed , he was there, dealing with all of the minutia my brain could not contain. Shortly after my mother became ill and eventually moved in with us.
He never asked "why". He never said "No". Countless hours on the phone trying to get her finances in order, spelling me, when my mother was bed-ridden, and there with me on July 4, when there were no hospice helpers to be had, and my mother passed away.
I've been sick for two months and, the illness is serious and the consequences and finances catastrophic.
Each day he comes home (most times with a new prescription for me). He tells me how loved I am by other people. He tells me he's praying for me. He tells me I'm going to get well, and he forces me to eat dinner.
At 2:00 am when I'm coughing so hard and painfully I cannot breathe, he's up, with a cold compress for my neck, medication for the spasm, and soothing words.
In my perspective, that makes him a Good Man.
Most likely, one of the best.
Thank you , God for bringing Walt into my life,
and giving him the patience to stay.

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