Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Being an "ECHO" Catholic in my early adulthood, one Christmas Eve many years ago , I found myself in our local Catholic Church for Christmas Eve service at 11:30 pm. (an "ECHO" Christian is someone who attends church on Easter, Christmas, Hospital, Obituary)
The church was beautifully adorned with greens and a manger on the chancel.  The air was perfumed with the freshness of evergreen and resin scent of frankincense.
I remember asking myself what could I possibly be thinking, dragging myself out on this Christmas Eve night, when I could have been in a warm bed sleeping.
But then, the Priest/Pastor of the church began to speak.
He was one of twin, Irish priests, his brother-the father had a parish in Baltimore .
He told a story I will never forget.
"My brother told me of a Christmas pageant in his own Parish Church, which was unlike any other
he had ever experienced." , Father Henry began.
"The children were putting on their yearly Nativity pageant.
 The very young children being coached into
their places and taught their lines.
Each week for the three weeks preceding, the little boy who was the Innkeeper followed his directions
dutifully and without deviation.
As directed, Joseph "knocked" on the curtain and the Innkeeper boy appeared through the separation
of the curtain. Joseph explained that he and Mary were there for the census, and Mary was cold and
about to have a baby.
The Innkeeper boy, on queue and in a brusk tone would say "There's NO room here. You can't stay here!"  Then the Innkeeper boy would disappear behind the curtain again, as Joseph and Mary would walk off the stage.
Things took a turn on performance night, however.
All the kids giving their best performance and looking like miniature nativity figures, all lines delivered as
rehearsed...until Joseph and Mary arrived at the Inn.
Joseph knocked and told the little "Innkeeper boy" about their plight, Mary being cold, and about to have a baby. The Innkeeper boy, with rehearsed brio, said "There's NO room here. You can't stay here!"
Joseph turned from the door of the Inn, and with Mary .
However, the little Innkeeper boy did not disappear behind the curtain as was rehearsed so many times before.
Instead he watched Joseph and Mary, and tears began to spring to his eyes.
Just as Joseph and Mary reached the end of the stage, the little Innkeeper boy cried out "WAIT!"
Bewildered, Joseph and Mary stopped and looked at the little boy.
The Innkeeper boy then said "You can have my room.".
The congregation erupted in a standing ovation.
The emotion of the little boy had "stopped the show" (literally).
Father Henry's brother said they proceeded to have the best Christmas Pageant he'd ever seen.

I remember that Christmas Eve, still, when Father Henry in his Irish broag,
 told us the story of the best Christmas pagent ever.
I find myself thinking so many "what if's" about my own life, and the life of Jesus.
What IF the Innkeeper had given up his own room for a stranger couple , with child, cold and weary?
What IF Christ's final day on earth were marked with kindness of strangers, instead of scared by cruelty?
What IF Judas hadn't "turned his master in" for pieces of silver?
What kind of World would we be living in
if kindness and compassion were the headlines
and not violence and despair?
In this moment, I remember something my guide, Andrew, taught me.
There are no "small" miracles.
Only those miracles met with "small" appreciation.

Until next time,
Merry Christmas,
Eat something wonderful
and lead a life worth living.


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