Monday, February 5, 2018

Lessons I'm learning in this move and search for a home. Part 1

I'm sure friends and family are sick of hearing about this move on which Walt and I have embarked.
The truth be known, I'm kind of weary of speaking about it.
However, I am learning lessons and I'm hoping to share some of them here.
The most powerful one is centered around something that I heard in a
documentary of Mother Teresa.
I am unable to quote directly as I have not found the quote in my searches.
In the documentary she said that in devotion to God, you have to be willing to be
where God puts you. If that is in a mansion, then alright. If that is in the streets of Calcutta,
then "alright".
In moving from the house in Melbourne, to the condominium on the beach we have cut our furnishings, appliances and living elements down to (an estement) 1 tenth (if that) of what we had in our previous house. Of course, a wealth of those things are in pods, so technically we still own them. There were SO many things we gave away. Neighbors gleaned and people just driving by picked up things off the curb. Things there weren't enough room for in the pod, at the condo, or in our life, any more.
It makes me sad to say good-bye to these things. Many of them enriched our lives. I console myself by saying "they will enrich someone else's life now" I pray that's true.
In the film Sister Act, Maggie Smith (as Mother Superior) tells Whoopie Goldberg's character,  "God has brought you here. Take the hint."
Of the reasons that "God has brought us here" I can think of several.
First, I've been praying for a way to help my long-time friend Nella (who owns the condo).
I love her dearly. She's been struggling more years than I can number, financially and personally. Nella doesn't allow many people (well, now those people are down to 2--Walt and me) in her condo. So the condo has needed some repair and cleaning. Not to mention that we will be a financial blessing to her.
Apparently, the only way that can come to pass is that Walt and I move in to the condo.
(see part 2-Living with your own contracts)
In the time we have been here (about 2 weeks-on and off because last night was the first night we've spent here) we've eradicated rodents (that should be Walt, Anita and Truly Nolan, mostly in that order)
Repaired two toilets (again, that should be Chuck Jacobs and Walt).
Repaired the water-heater (Chuck Jacobs).
Repaired sliding glass door handle & lock. (Walt)
Repaired the back screen door (Walt & Eric)
Replaced the stove (thank you, Chuck Jacobs, Pam Jacobs and Eric)
Washed walls (me and Walt)
Shopped for and found replacement refrigerator and range hood (delivered tomorrow)
Steam cleaned carpet in all the condo. (me)
and moved ALL the furniture in the house (looking for evidence of rodents)
All, while packing and moving the things in our own (previous home), packing the pods,
and trying to keep ourselves fed and sane.
(not too sure about the efficiency of the "sane" part)  
I'm trying to not complain. (maybe I'm complaining a little bit).
But a favorite character in another film said (talking to God-in the film Ladyhawk) "I would like to think all of this has some higher meaning. It certainly would reflect well on you.".
Until next time,
Eat something nutritious
and live a life worth loving.

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