Thursday, June 22, 2017


The second rejection in a month....well actually third.  Some of you know my work with Bible Journaling, and in the journey, I thought I had made a friend.
As is my way, I told this person at the very beginning of this journey together "I need to tell you something, because some people in the Christian community don't agree with what I do. I am a professional psychic. If you don't agree with that or feel threatened by that, it's fine. Please tell me before we proceed with our relationship."
A cursory read of this email (I know it was cursory, because I watched her read it) prompted her to say "we're cool".
In the weeks, maybe months following, we spent scads of time together, Bible Journaling and even planning to team-teach a class together.
She told me many things about her life. Her hopes, her disappointments involving a church she had served.
I listened intently, because...I guess, I thought that was what friends did.
Prior to all this coming up with the (former) Pastor, she let it slip that she wished I "didn't do what I do" (professionally) but she "knew my heart" so we were "good".
When all of this came up with my church/(former) Pastor, she was a bit undone.
She told me she didn't agree with "how the Pastor did what she did" and she didn't see any "love in that".
She proceeded to tell me why "they" felt the way they did, from a Biblical point of view.
I did counter, as I am a student of the Bible as well.
During our time together she asked me to do things for her. I do some computer graphics, so did that, asked me to print off (no small amount) of sheets on my color laser printer for her Bible Study. Never invited me to the study, however.
Because our tithe was wanting, Walt and I purchased a craft case for her, because she has some physical issues and she was mentioning that she needed one.
Because she was without a printer, we lent her a black laser printer so she could print out her class materials and Walt went over and connected it up for her and tested it.
I honestly can't believe how often this happens, but recently, whilst Bible journaling together, she told me that someone dear to her had my gifts. She told me how "accurate" this person was with her perceptions. She told me that she and other family members went to see the film Sixth Sense, and that the gifted one said "this is my world".
Thinking (wrongly-apparently) this is an opening, I mentioned the film The Shack. There is a scene where all kinds of colors coming from these souls of people , populate a field. I told her that was "my world" as I see auras.
That was met with the commentary "That sounds New-Agey to me".
We finished our jounaling with little more back and forth.
Most recently, I find myself shunned by this "friend" for whom I have felt fondness and spent kindness.
Our standing appointment on Monday's came and went without comment, and when I mentioned (in text) "I guess we're not Bible Journaling this morning". I was told she'd over-slept. Later in the week, when I touched base, I received clipped and generalized commentary about how she had caught up on her rest.
I finally said to her that it was apparent to me that she (and others) in the Bible Journaling group were uncomfortable with me." and I would no longer attend.
No answer back.
..actually a day later, still no answer back.
But a few moments from the time the text went to her, she posted this on her facebook page:
 “Keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity... Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones...."
PROV. 3:1-10 (NIV)
Actually, I'm wondering, well pretty convinced that I am the "evil" being shunned.

I imagine (in my mind) that she prayed to God asking, that if it is "not His will that we are friends, that (I) be removed from her life".  My response to the "shunning" , is apparently her "answer".
 I have two other friends, in my life. One I have known since the 1980's  She is an artist, with an exquisite soul. We just recently reconnected (after 23 years. We were jubilant to see one another and are keeping in touch. She is supportive of my "psychic/spiritual" works and creative works alike.
She is not (by the strictest definition) a Christian. Early in our relationship, she told me harrowing stories of being a nun in the Sisters of Mercy order, in which power and politics (not the love of Jesus or humanity) was primary motivating factor among her fellow "sisters". But even after 23 years apart, she opened her arms and heart wide to receive me into her life. I think that's a friend.

Another friend of mine was a Methodist in her early life. She had a terrible experience involving the death of her brother. Believing she was still on the rolls of the church, when he was in the hospital, she called and requested a visit from the Pastor. There was no response and she was broken-hearted. There are other problems that she has had involving Christian people in her life and now, she asserts that they are mostly hypocrites (she always inserts-"except you and Walt"). I thought, since Walt and I joined the church , five years ago, that Tammy was somehow "mistaken" about what happened and that the bitterness was masking the true path of her spiritual journey.
But I am unsure, now.
Tammy has confessed that the only reason she has a relationship with God is because of (the wittness) Walt and me. I pray (for her sake) that is not completely true, because Walt and I are deeply flawed and imperfect people.
But when all these things came up about the (former) Pastor and Bible Journaling companions, Tammy's reaction was vehement and completely perplexed.
"I don't understand. How can these people call themselves Christians".
She told me that any time I needed to talk (day or night) to call her. She offered to Bible Journal with me, even though she lives 9 hours away. She asked me to help her with her faith plan.
Something the (former) Pastor, who received several thousand $'s of our tithe money didn't offer to do ("If you need to talk, I'm here").

At least 4 hours per week of my time and attention for many weeks has been devoted to Bible Journaling with this friend (?).
Many many more hours and resources devoted to our works in the church and the church members.
But I have two more people to tell you about. People who are friends and I didn't really recognize it.
When all this came up about the conversation with the (former) Pastor, I wanted to "hear a friendly voice" and I called my friend Chris. He managers the Book & Bead store where I do psychic fairs and teach classes. He is one of those people that (I think) is sort of the "salt of the earth".: very pragmatic and direct in his communication.
He's a sensitive soul, although, I don't think he thinks of himself that way.
I told him (in short) what had happened. Without hesitation he told me that he thought the Pastor had done me a favor. "If that is the way they are going to treat you, then they don't deserve you." He, then proceeded to tell me his story of the Methodist church.
Several weeks later, in touching base with him, he was compassionate prompting me to tell him that we (Walt and I) love him and without hesitation and offered his love in return.

The last person that I would mention is the instructor of the Bible Journaling class I took this spring. She was very sweet during the class and encouraged a lot of experimentation for the Bible Journaling. She (unselfishly) shared the Bible pages from her two journaling Bibles. She showed us her supplies. She showed us her Bible Journaling tote. She is a sweet and gentle woman. I thought she might lack some self-confidence, and she didn't teach the class the way I might have. But she really had an amazing impact on me. But we don't chat online. I "like" her Bible pages when she posts them (and she, usually, in return). All of this backlash involving the church and being un-friended by one Bible Journaling companion and being treated as ungodly by another has caused me to withdraw from the Bible Journaling group which meets (usually bi-weekly) and the facebook page which is it's hub. I told this instructor about having to withdraw and why. As she also attends this same evangelical church, I , sort of, expected the same judgment as I have (thus far) received.
From her, I received no judgment and only compassion. She was sorry I felt unwelcomed and she would welcome me into any of her classes or events. She would pray that I find some new Bible Journaling companions.

I pray God blesses her mightily for this response.
Because I was cast aside
and she gave me compassion and included me.
I pray God blesses my friend, Jackie, who is an artist and a magnificent soul.
Because she has tried to bring the splendor of spirit to the world, through the vision of her paintings.
I pray God blesses Tammy, who, in the midst of despair, saw a light in me.

And I pray God blesses Walt, a man, who stands by his wife.

Until next time,
eat something delicious
and live a life worth loving.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

You're such a nice person....if only you weren't a psychic.

Today's blog is full of anger and sorrow.
As a friend says on some of her political posts: If it's not for you, please ignore.

In the wake of the issues involving the (former) Pastor of my (former) church, I find the
buffeting nauseating in my little boat (allusion to a Bible Journaling piece, that I recently did).
Last night I ran into a woman from church, I called to her and said "Hi". She oddly said nearly the same thing another church member said on Sunday.  "I received your email. I wasn't ignoring you. I just didn't know what to say".
 Because I am having a faith crisis, I did another entry in my Bible Journaling.
Someone else with whom I have Bible Journaled , asked what was going on, and I told her, point blank.
Her response was to tell me she wouldn't "unfriend me" because of this and that she would pray for guidance for me.
Although, I wouldn't refuse prayer on my behalf, to be honest, there is a bitterness in this whole attitude that I find waring on me.
Another Bible Journaling friend wishes I didn't do "what I do", but she "knows my heart" so we're "ok".
So here's what I am hearing in all this:
I think this is very much a-kin to saying to someone "You're a good person-if only you weren't a jew".
Honestly, it is that kind of non-politically correct thing, that I am perceiving in all this.
I can deal with skeptics who "don't believe in all that".  So few of them ask me to read for them, really, just not an issue.
But the whole suddenly "you are not my sister-in-Christ- anymore" because "God wouldn't like what you're doing" thing that makes my skin crawl.
 To be perfectly clear--and for the umpteenth time--I was born with these gifts. (rather like the argument that my LGBT friends make, I'm sure). I've had premonitions all my life. I've seen auras all my life. I've had perceptions about people all my life. That rather tells me, that God made me this way.
Because my Bible says God made the earth and all the vegetation, the light the dark and the humans, I would fall into the category of a creation of God.
No one pulled off another creation in the next county, I'm pretty sure.
So then is the issue of how I do what I do.
According to the (former) Pastor, "The Bible doesn't say anything about Tarot Cards or reading auras to fore-tell the future". Well, that is a completely sound statement. The Bible does not, if point of fact, say anything about Tarot Cards or reading auras.
The Bible does, however mention a plethora of methods of divination which are employed by both the righteous and unrighteous:
The Urim and the Thumim were stones used by the High Priests (and consulted by the population)
6-instances in the Bible.
The casting of Lots:
The Casting of Lots is mentioned 70 times in the Old Testiment and 7 in the New Testament.
Utilized by both Rightesous people...i..e 11 apostles casting lots to find a replacement for Judas (Acts. 1:26)
Casting lots by un-righteous people: The sailors attempting to find out who brought a dangerous storm upon them in the book of Jonah (Jonah 1:7)
Roman Soldiers casting lots for Jesus' garments:  John 19:23-24
Other forms of divination: Putting out a fleece Judges 6:40
The "witch" or "medium" of Endor Summons the spirit of Saul for Samuel (a righteous man) for which she receives neither admonishment or praise. (1 Samuel 28:7)
There are 100 verses about Interpreting Dreams in the Bible , including my favorite from Joel 2:28 "your old men will dream dreams, your young men will have visions."
Joseph and Daniel, harbingers of the Jewish faith, believing in the "One true God" were dream interpreters.
Numbers & Leviticus list copious amounts of admonitions regarding mediums, mediumship, spiritists and witchcraft.
These include a form of divination which was practiced that involved forcing children to walk across firey coals. Defiantly not a righteous thing to do there.
So all different kinds of divination, some practiced by righteous people, some not.
But still no Tarot Cards and Aura Reading.
The Bible does not say anything about those.
The Bible says nothing about automobiles, the internet, cell phones, penicillin or ball point pens.
Automobiles have been known to be fatal for people who drive while intoxicated.
The internet is widely known as a vehicle for pornography.
Cell phones are notorious for "sexting" and sending lewd photos.
Penicillin is a deadly poison to someone allergic to it.
Ball point pens can be used by atheists and people with dangerous political agendas
to write their treatise.
Most of the people who condemn Tarot Cards know nothing about them.
Much of Tarot is based on Christian symbology and Kabala (Jewish mysticism).
Many of the vignettes on Tarot cards are based on stories of Christian tradition (Like Joseph of Arimathea taking Mary Magdalen across the waters)
Adam and Eve are pictured on the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana.
There is a Devil card in the Tarot.
The devil is mentioned in the Bible.
I could continue. My point, (and I do have one).
Is that if a person, in this instance, a Christian, wants to condemn another person (in this case, another Christian), there is plenty of fodder to find in the Bible and elsewhere.
 There's plenty of good guidance too.
I mentioned to a facebook friend that I favor the concept of "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:16).
Some of you know me, to some degree. You know I've prayed for the sick, brought food for people in need and ailing. You know I bake bread, write cards of encouragement, talk to friends in distress.
I've been in the music ministry of the church, in the puppet ministry, in the prayer ministry.
I baked braided bread for World Communion day at our church. I've participated in many accountability groups in the church. Currently, I belong to three small groups, not including my Bible Journaling activities, all that are centered around Christ, the risen Lord.
I heard a quote, one time, from a minister that stated that the Christian army is the only army in the world that kill their own wounded.
My experience would tell me that this is accurate, in many instances.
I'm not cooking meth in the backyard and selling to school children.
I'm not dancing on a stripper pole to make money for my family (no aspurtions to people who do that).
I'm not mean spirited.
I don't lie.  I didn't lie to the Pastor when we were thinking about joining the church. In fact, this pastor personally, in her office, received a tithe from me, that I told her was from a consultation I did on this given day. I didn't hide who I was. I didn't mislead her (or anyone else).
I don't lie in wait to trap people into getting readings from me and forsaking God in the process.
And yet...
and still...
I get the comment
from Christians...
If only,
you weren't..
a psychic...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Context may not be everything: However, it is something...or it should be, shouldn't it?

Context may not be everything: However, it is something...or it should be, shouldn't it?

This week, I was told by my Pastor that I cannot teach in my Methodist Church of 5 years because my spirituality is not consistent with the core believes of Christianity.
To supplement this narrative, I will say that the class in question that I wanted to facilitate
 was a Bible Journaling class.
Citing 2nd Timothy and saying "as we are led in scripture" she had discussed it with her District Supervisor, and that it had been brought up in committees among the elders of the church.
 The truth be known, I've scowered 2nd Timothy and can't find what she may have been alluding to.
The verse I thought she might have been alluding to, is actually in Matthew:
15 “If your brother or sister sins against you, go to them. Tell them what they did wrong. Keep it between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them back. 16 But what if they won’t listen to you? Then take one or two others with you. Scripture says, ‘Every matter must be proved by the words of two or three witnesses.’ (Deuteronomy 19:15) 17 But what if they also refuse to listen to the witnesses? Then tell it to the church. And what if they refuse to listen even to the church? Then don’t treat them as a brother or sister.
 Treat them as you would treat an ungodly person or a tax collector."

Well, maybe that's what I think it might have been. I could be wrong.
I was very defensive. Honestly, not the first time I've had this kind of battle on my hands. I did not handle it well. But the spirit was with me, and I did not succumb to most of what was in my mind to say.
What I , typically" am assailed with is leviticus 19:31
31 “ ‘Do not look for advice from people who get messages from those who have died. Do not go to people who talk to the spirits of the dead. If you do, they will make you “unclean.” I am the Lord your God."
Even I have to say that is me, dead to rights (so-to-speak). But higher in the scripture is tells us not to mix different kinds of seeds and plant them in your field (Lev. 19:19) So no flower and vegetable gardens, no herbs and vegetable gardens, no vegetables and flax together.
"Do not let different animals mate together" (again, Leviticus 19:19) Wondering if that means we should not be producing Shar-Bra cattle or Black Angus Cattle (no black angus steaks) which leads me to Leviticus 19:26 "Do not eat any meat with blood in it" (no rare steaks).
27 “ ‘Do not cut the hair on the sides of your head. Do not clip off the edges of your beard." I doubt my (former) Pastor does this, as she is a woman.
One of my personal favorites: Leviticus 19:19 “ ‘Do not wear clothes that are made out of two kinds of cloth.
No Poly cotton blends (hard in the heat of Florida--or sure in the dessert).
Other quotes seem to me to be very reasonable. Honor your parents, don't cheat your neighbor, don't practice evil magic...all good guidance I think, really.

Choosing one scripture out of context to condemn a person's behavior or spirituality...that's called "cherry picking". I know some people might think I was cherry picking , but actually, I was putting the one piece of scripture in context with the other admonitions.
I'm sure that a Bible teacher might say "How important do you think this scripture is, in modern times about not wearing two blends of fabric? Maybe not so important. Some are more applicable to modern society then others." But then we have the subjective slippery slope that cannon is happy to offer us. "We (the Methodist church, or the Catholic church or any other denomination) can decide (for you, the masses) which passages are significant FOR you.
Moving back to the first scripture I cited...if it is the one intended---even if it isn't. We are given conduct for addressing people whom we believed have sinned.

1)  15 “If your brother or sister sins against you, go to them. Tell them what they did wrong. Keep it between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them back.
2) But what if they won’t listen to you? Then take one or two others with you. Scripture says, ‘Every matter must be proved by the words of two or three witnesses.’
3) 17 But what if they also refuse to listen to the witnesses? Then tell it to the church. And what if they refuse to listen even to the church? Then don’t treat them as a brother or sister. Treat them as you would treat an ungodly person or a tax collector."
So, I suppose a conversation on the phone could be construed as being in private, as far as I know, it was just the two of us on the phone.

On point # 2, I did not receive any visits or calls from other members of the church with the Pastor to address said issue.

On point #3 "tell it to the church", well here there are many rankles coming up (for me). It was (according to Pastor) discussed "in committees" (unnamed to me) and with Pastor by "other people" (also unnamed) and the District Supervisor (I know who he is) or , as characterized by Pastor-an elder of the church.                       
All of this discussion without my knowledge or my ability to stand for myself. 

And, of course, lastly, "Then, don't treat them as a brother or sister. Treat them as you would treat an ungodly person or a Tax collector"
  The "distancing language" that Pastor used in saying "You are welcome to worship with us and pray with us but you cannot teach here"    Certainly gave me the impression that I was no longer being regarded as one of "us" any longer.
 I, certainly, got the impression that I was being regarded as ungodly.  
A friend of mine said that she saw no love in the incident, and I must confess, neither do I. The strident tone to Pastor's voice as she informed me. My desperate attempts to make response.                                                                              
 The finishing salvos of warning and foreboding.                                                                                     Do I wish it had happened differently? No. I wish it hadn't happened at all.                             I recall a character in a film saying "Most things end badly...otherwise, they probably wouldn't end at all."                                                                                                  Maybe that's true.
For now, I nurse my broken heart as best I can, and place it all in God's hands.
Til next time, eat something wonderful
and live a life worth loving.